Texas Holdem Tips Video Source & Information:
Phil Gordon gives you one of his favorite pre-flop techniques in this Expert Insight Poker Tip.
Learn more: read Phil’s poker articles, buy his Final Table Poker DVD, listen to his WSOP podcasts and even ask him a poker question at http://www.ExpertInsight.com
Also available: Beating Blackjack with Andy Bloch -The former MIT Team Manager gives you the secrets of card counting and more.
Short Game Golf with Jim Furyk & Fred Funk -The #2 Golfer in the World teaches you how to master the short game.
Source: YouTube

the tuturial does not work if one of that sandwitch guys traps you..then you are loveed
or if you have players on table that already now you are a bluffer
or if you just have morons who love to call and raise very often
it only works if you have players that are much to defensive or if you are nown as a guy who does not bluff
a poker tip comes from a pro the rest of us just give opinions and opinions r like assholes everyone has one
a poker tip comes from a pro the rest of us just give opinions and opinions r like assholes everyone has one
Phil says "You don't need a great hand to make this play". Er… if you're playing low-stakes you do, because a calling station will call you and might hit the flop. If you're playing higher stakes, others might notice you're squeezing with fresh air and will re-raise you. In both circumstances, you're pretty much f*cked if you have Q5 or Jack bad.
@aliasbrush someone plays on zynga too much
all in every hand play bingo like everyone online
@MusclesfromB a squeeze to me is a girl i bang when i feel like it then ask her to leave so i can play poker with the boys
@jfdmatn yeah im soo addicted to online poker, playing with real money actually makes you play properly. you can get 5 pounds to start playing from here ==> bit.ly/JBJLD5?=rvqtyp
These tips can make you better at home poker with your friends,not in serious games,if you have in mind that most of the players that play for cash won't be that stupid to be pushed out of the pot with a strong hand just because of a pot-size+ raise. Most of the new players join cash tables with less $ than the others and shouldn't risk getting called or why not ever re-raised. (i never said it doesn't work,it's just that i find it risky if you count on it to make a stack) good vids tho!
idk why this is called the fish and chips sandwich since you're not likely to take it down there if fish are involved lol. (plus, it's called a squeeze play, why rename it?)