Texas Holdem Tips Video Source & Information:
In this vlog, I discuss how to play mid pocket pairs and why it’s very important to understand their SD value post flop. Obviously I used PowerPoint to help me in this video, so let me know if you guys want to see more videos like this! Thanks!
Source: YouTube

nice video! Is your main income playing poker?
Ok. Idea for a topic. "Floating" go…
I enjoy your videos. Great information about beating low live stakes poker. With that said, I think you missed the biggest concept of playing small pocket pairs at low stakes. I'm talking about the times it is/isn't profitable, effective stack to raise size, to flat call a raise with a small pocket pair. The biggest mistake is that most players tend to call when they are not getting the right price to set mine. The opposite can also be true. Some make the mistake of limp/folding when the effective stacks are big enough to set mine profitably. Again, great videos and information. I just thought you missed a big key about playing small poker pairs profitably.
Just started watching your videos this week. I like bothe the slides presentations and when using a poker program tool to review sample hands.
Love this guy. So fast and to the point unlike many others
Like the PowerPoint look. I need a holdem dictionary 👽
What turns kind of turn cards and than rivers would you get bet bet on with pocket 9s example thanks
On the last slide at the end of the video, isnt the Kd on the Q93d board, bad for us? Because if we dont improve on the river, arent we many times beat by a Kx or Qx type of hands? Thtas what i find hard with these mid pocket pairs, that there are often many cards that have us beat right? Great video btw!
In 1 2 games, when you are playing fish that over value A x hands, the worst thing you can do is try to bluff when an A hits the flop or turn. If you got two or more of these players you are almost certainly drawing dead to the Ace.
I learned something in the last couple days, that I always thought was true, but that is a LOT of 1 2 players, that are not solid regs, will play any Ace and they will not fold even with a 3 for a kicker. That also made me realize how much more value I can get out of these fish type players. Because they will almost always call a reasonable c bet with an A x hand. So C bet 12 to 15 And if an Ace hits the turn and you have it beat with a better kicker such as A K or A Q and prob A J then BET 50 on the turn and these fish will call you with A 3 , A 4.
When I have a medium pocket pair against these fish I have learned it is best to pretty much give up against fish when an Ace hits the turn, and whatever you do, NEVER try to barrel them on the turn and river cause these guys will not fold and Ace, ever. LOL
I was the guy who tried to it twice yesterday, so that is how I know. When you try to bluff a patzer you become a patzer.
Anyway another great video as usual. I find your videos to be very useful. Also I have no animosity to these fishy players, I do love them so, they are the people who pay you off the most, you juts can't play like a moron against them. LOL
Hey NIck…
Really like the Power Point slides… For me its better as I can better understand the scenarios that you are discussing…
You're the man Nick… Your content is right on and relevent and I'm also dabbling in PLO so I'll be tunning in on alot of your stuff…
Thanks Nick…