Texas Holdem Tips Video Source & Information:
For the first time I go face to face with y’all to bring you a home poker tournament Starting Stack, Chip Breakdown and Blind Structure 14 years in the making!
I’ve had a successful No-Limit Hold-Em poker tournament, once a month for the past decade and a half – and I’m here to share with you everything regarding poker chips and how they play into a great night of tournament poker.
Please feel to comment and ask questions – I’m sure there’s details I forgot, I will do my best to answer all of your inquiries!
Source: YouTube

The heck does he mean by "T1000" and "T500"? I know what the numbers stand for that's the value of each chip. What does the "T" stand for?
Hey Chris, have you ever disclosed your blind structure and chip/color count for your high stakes tournaments as you suggested you sometimes have with the 43mm Apache clays that you use 500-1000-5000-25000-100000 ??
Question about buying back in.
Suppose a single table, 10 player tournament. If you buy the number of chips you suggest, then all the 25s, 100s, 500s, and 1000s are in play, but there are extra 5000s. So when someone busts and buys back in, do you give them the exact composition of their starting stack again (meaning you would need more chips) or do you just give them the value of their buy-in a larger denom and have them make change at the table?
What would be the starting stack of you start at 100 instead of 25?
OMG, those Aurora Star chips look AMAZING!!!!!!!
How we play home cash games.
whites $1, reds $5, blues $20, greens $50.
(Chip values are 10-20 times higher than actual cash values.)
Blinds start at $1/$2 in chips as a deepstack warmup, quickly move up to $2/$5 and stay there.
min buyin, $200 in chips ($10-$20 in cash)
$1 x 20
$5 x 16
$20 x 5
$50 x 0
max buyin, $500 in chips ($25-$50 in cash)
$1 x 20
$5 x 16
$20 x 10
$50 x 4
Chip-to-cash conversion rates are pretty simple:
If the min buyin is set at $20, Chips ÷ 10 = Cash. ($200 in chips ÷ 10 = $20 in cash.)
If the min buyin is set at $10, Chips x 5 = Cents.
($200 in chips x 5 = 1000 cents = $10.00)
Other details: We run a $1 ante that you can bypass if you take a drink. Some of us roll 2 die to determine the size of our preflop open. We do alternative gambling games for low stakes (white chips only) every 10 hands or so.
Hope this helps.
Where can I find the "No One Cares What you Folded" sign? It's awesome! Would love to get one for my poker room
Ever have a prize for the winner? A custom commemorative chip or trophy?
This video was exactly what I needed to order the right amount of tournament poker chips. Thank you!
Thanks for the video. I recently bought some new chips and have been struggling to find a good starting stack. This helped a ton.
I’ve been running a monthly game with friends for over a year and attendance is not always as great as I would like. I’ve been thinking about trying to set up a year long league to spark more interest. Do you have any experience with a league or have any advice for starting one. Is there a program you could recommend to help me keep stats and points in order?